my rich guy is cooler than your rich guy!!
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It's just all so gross.
Heh rich people beefs
Graber’s shirt declared in Latin, Mundus sine Caesaribus. Or, “a world without Caesars.”
[Off-topic] Aue Brute, Longine, Cimber, et alii. Liberatores heroesque fuerunt - et Caesar tyrannus luteus.
[On-topic] Yes, it's rich people fighting. Whoo, put them in an arena, and give me popcorn!
But if one does lip service to decentralisation, while the other is openly fascist, you know which one I'm cheering.
Help. What?
Help. What?
The Latin stuff? "Hail Brutus, Longinus, Cimber, and others. They were liberators and heroes - and Caesar a filthy tyrant".
If you mean the on-topic instead: Bluesky does lip service to decentralisation, while Zuckerberg is openly fascist.
Haha, yeah I meant the latin stuff. Your bsky/zucky comment was clear to me.
Fuck that filthy tyrant.