I'm in Bangkok, Thailand.
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Formal rules are in the works, but please use common sense (no politics or other unhinged nonsense). The rules will be as lenient as possible to avoid unnecessary censorship and minimize mod power trips.
Curation Policy: If a moderator has reason to believe that certain content is better categorized under a different post, then they may reply to the content asking if it would be better categorized elsewhere, and provide their rationale.
If no response:
- Rule of 3: Mod must attempt 3 replies, spaced by (at least) 3 days after each reply.
- If there is still no reply 3 days after the 3rd contact, then it is assumed that OP is in agreement, and the mod may curate by copying the content to a different post verbatim, then deleting the original content.
If OP replies:
- Other Mod(s) must collectively ask at least 3 good faith questions to clarify OP's rationale, then the mods will vote and determine by majority rule whether to curate the content.
- Majority votes to curate: At least one mod in favor of curation must post their rationale, and any dissenting mods may also post their rationale. After this, the mods will curate the content by copying it to a different post verbatim, then deleting the original content.
- Majority votes to not curate: Content stays as is. Mod(s) may post their rationale(s).
First of all, relax. Nothing is too big to take your life, just relax.
Can you please tell where you live (at least the country)? This can help us find some right steps for next course of action. First of all, Did you have any insurances for your house or any of your products, if so, then start by contacting the insurer, and in these cases, they would just give you sort of settlement price, becaus efor most things damage is done beyond repairs. Most likely your clothes (at least the natural fabrics, like cotton) would be all ruined. But synthetic fibres, and even some of your musical instruments (non wooden parts) and even some pc parts (depending on your cases, and actual salinity of water) would be recoverable, so please do consider to collect them.