Good reminder of the Coalitions idiotic ideological demand for smaller government no matter the real benefits a trained and committed workforce brings compared to their contractor scammers, anybody like PWC to take back over?
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I think associating mass government firings to ideology is being too charitable. LNP are in government 2/3 of the time. They have created the small government they wanted. This latest idea is just to be cruel, nothing more. They are not good people.
the "small government" ideology isn't even their own, they're riffing off the goddamn yanks
If Dutton gets in then I seriously give up and will look into moving my family somewhere that gives a shit about it's tax paying citizens although I assume that's what they want so they can flood the country with immigrants used to much lower wages and less workers rights
I thought they hated immigrants?
Depends what kind. During the Howard years, for example, they had a highly publicized campaign about "stopping the boats" and rejecting those seeking asylum, but at the same time Australia's net immigration increased. During Howard’s first three years in office, Australia’s annual net overseas migration (NOM) averaged 86,000 persons per year. In his last three years in office, NOM averaged 188,000 individuals each year.
Informative article, but how did it pass the editor? Half the paragraphs begin with "it said." Reads like a series of dot points or bad LLM writing.
The ABC's had budget cuts too. The editor is probably the work experience kid and the writer had to churn this article out in 2 hours to meet their KPIs.