This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.
The original was posted on /r/fossdroid by /u/mudlej on 2023-08-28 22:35:53.
Finally I found some time to finish updating the app to MD3. (Also, thank to @byrno for his help)
You can see the full list of what's new here, but here are the highlights:
- UI redesign.
- The app follows system's light/dark theme by default. (App, not PDF pages)
- An option in the settings to let PDF pages follow system's light/dark theme.
- Added the Zoom Lock button in FullScreen Mode.
- Several changes to zooming. The main one is that you can zoom out less than normal zoom.
- Added an option to save PDF passwords for protected files.
I would really like to work more on the app and add the most requested features, like:
- Live Text Selecting.
- Text Highlighting.
- Home Page with a searchable list of the PDF files on the device.
But unfortunetly, since MJ PDF is a side project of mine, I cannot give it more time.
I added, as requested, an option for supporting via LibrePay.
If there is enough support, I might drop something else to focus more on MJ PDF.
App page & Download