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I'm surprised no one ever talks about all the shit named after Jacques Cartier when he was truly a monster.
From what I know, Jacques Cartier was no saint, but he was not nearly as awful as John A. Macdonald. Neither should be seen as heroes.
I would not oppose places and monuments named "Jacques Cartier" being renamed to native names.
I really recommend you read what he did to Donnacona and his sons and their tribe. There's coerced contacts, forced labour, emprisonnent which lead to natives and his own people dying because the only person who knew how to treat a disease, one of Donnacona's sons, was imprisoned. Bringing natives back to the new world with promises of riches for them to end up dying in human zoos while their families were told they were married into noble families and thriving. If you read his own journals you'll see that he deserves the same if not worse than MacDonald but instead we name bridges after him.
Thank you, I completely missed that in my research, and we were not shown the extent of his mayhem in school. I think it needs to be either better documented, or better published to the public.
I knew about the bringing back of natives to Europe just to go to human zoos, but I didn't know the repercussions of that back in America.