I thought it was truly incredible, and something I'd recommend to long-time fans & newcomers alike. It hits the right notes for the aging crowd & I cannot wait to see where it goes! I would highly recommend checking out Uncivilized Elk & his analyses on the first episode & the intro, as he's been doing AT analyses for a very long time & knows a ton
Adventure Time
Come on and grab your friends!
Discussion about Adventure Time, the cartoon network series.
I love Uncivilized Elk, he's great!
That first episode was trippy. The vivid fantasy of the dream juxtaposed with the grimy normality of the messy apartment, Cheers on every channel and having to deal with a sick cat and job you hate, surrounded by the inverted world gender swapped character that used to be so familiar- was haunting.
The feeling of 'something is wrong' and putting it together was fun. Knowing Ice King stopped existing and Betty saved Ooo by taking the crown wishing away Golb from the inside- and then seeing this Fionna world and hoping Simon is ok and wondering how this world now lives inside him now (it must be as it's now mirroring old earth from well before the mushroom war) when it was made by Ice King and the crown tech that no longer exists in Ooo.
I really enjoyed spotting and naming all the background characters, the little bus dictator was an un-gender-swapped but shrunken Patience St. Pim, right? Or one of the vampires also un-gender-swapped? She looks so familiar!
AbracaDaniella made me laugh and the Banana Guard was cute (but I was genuinely hoping to see them doing a street corner acapella of "Mama Said" or some kind of slapstick security guard routine).
Also it took me a moment to figure out if the guy in the park was Hunter or Shoko, and I was sure the bubble gum bus driver was LSP before we saw actual LSP (who is exactly how I would have made a gender swapped human LSP, lmao). Marshal-Lee was cute too.
(About to watch episode 2, will comment again once I've processed it!)
Oh wow, I need to do some rewatching of the old episodes.
Bus dictator was Queen of Ooo btw, gender swapped King of Ooo.
Glad I saw this post as I didn’t even know it had started! I started up the first episode right after seeing it lol.
I actually hadn’t been following the show too closely so I just figured it’d be a small spin-off series following Fionna and Cake, so with what we got in the first two episodes I’m totally onboard. First ep was bizarre in a really good way, and the second episode was both depressing and deeply satisfying.
It's Amazing, really well put together, definitely aimed perfectly at the now 25-30 year old crowd that watched AT from the start and grew with it. Both the kids who aged alongside Finn from age ~10 onwards, and the depressed late teens, early 20's that watched as adults for the escapism.
Looking forward to seeing more in the weeks to come.
My theory here currently (mostly seems confirmed by the end of Ep 2), is that Fionnas world is inside of Simons head, and as he has become more and more depressed feeling out of place in the world of ooo, so has Fionna become depressed and out of place in her world, in Simons mind. Every TV station plays cheers, because that is all simon can remember.
Cake escaping from Simons head (who will definitely get the dog translator that simon still has in the next episode) and the extra button (purple is always important in AT lore) appearing on Prismos multi universal remote makes me think they have just created a new universe branch where simon can somehow enter his own world in his mind and find peace, which probably involves his death in finns world of ooo.
It is promising, seems to start off at the same story depth as AT left off. Or its just all deception, we will see.
What service are they on?
I did not realize this was not for kids.
it's aimed squarely at the now 25-30 year olds who watched AT as it aired.
Yes, and I'm there for it. Just wish I'd have known before I watched the first two episodes with my 6 year old who loves AT.