Update notice 3.2.100: Felmina ES, Myrus True Manifest, Claude cat gear!
Note: This is an app version update, so check your app store for the update to access the new goodies, and of course make sure you have data coverage and device space.
- Felmina ES banner will be available 24 hours from the time of this post, but her Erinys codices will be available from dungeons immediately after updating.
- Felmina ES's very cute small friend doesn't appear to actually be a sidekick, but is very good regardless.
- Fateful Encounters available for those interested in such things.
- Myrus True Manifest available immediately after updating.
- Get Varuo the hat and cape he's always dreamed of in the Claude cat set.
- More (another 18!) character quests added to the Replay Story feature.
QOL adjustments:
- Your HP, MP and AF states after fighting an Astral Archive boss will be returned to the state they were in prior to the fight.
- Rewards for Challenge difficulty in Astral Archive can now be checked prior to achieving the requirements.
- In the Party screen you can now filter characters based on multiple criteria (!!).
- Noahxis is now less tsundere and wil show you the conditions required to have him join your party. These conditions have also been relaxed.
- Wanderer in the Binding Night Episode bosses have been restrained and are no longer as difficult. The bosses can be rechallenged at their original difficulty after having cleared.
Catch-up Campaign Part 2 - OOPArts edition:
- Supply Drop of various OOPArts and 100 Dig Medals in your inbox after logging in.
- Decreased Dig Medal cost of trading OOPArts by 20% for campaign period (Until catch-up is achieved).
I'm not 100% clear on what this bit means since it seems contradictory:
*Added the ability to obtain the items received upon defeating the pre-Ver 3.2.100 boss by defeating it in the rechallenge. Players who have already obtained the rewards will not obtain them again.
*The amount and type of rewards have not been changed between versions.
Next projected update: 15th September, with two new AS characters (One free, one gacha) and some new Wanderer in the Binding Night content.