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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/jchawk on 2023-09-07 13:03:31.
I found a local farm that will sell us fresh chicken breast for a $2.87 a pound if we buy 40 pounds. My family can get through this in roughly 3 to 4 weeks and this is a really great price where we live.
What is the best method to sous vide and have available for use?
Sous vide to temp, ice bath and store in the refrigerator?
How do I bring it back to temperature for the final seasoning and sear? Water bath? Or can I slowly bring to temp in oil or butter?
I have a chamber vacuum sealer that can do larger bags up to 10x16, but I keep a variety of smaller sizes on hand as well.
Also is there any method to freeze that will not destroy the chickens flavor or texture, sous vide or otherwise?