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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/bingbong5678 on 2023-09-08 04:26:30.
Hi! I don’t where I should ask this question so I thought I’d try here :) so every time I would go to Olive Garden, after eating I’d get a really sharp pain in my stomach, narrowed it down to their breadsticks. I even narrowed it more down to just the seasoning they use in the breadstick. I would wipe it all off before eating the bread, and I would have no pain. So it definitely was the seasoning. Never ate the breadsticks again and had no issues. Years passed, I now have a 4 year old and now when he eats the bread sticks, he also gets a really bad sharp pain in his stomach. What could this be? I looked it up and the internet just said “garlic salt” but I use garlic and salt in almost all of my meals and no one has ever had this sharp pain from it… why is the Olive Garden breadsticks making us have sharp pain in our stomachs? We’ve also had garlic bread from other places and never have any stomach issues… it’s so weird….
Thanks in advance!