I’m fine with just getting a field goal there, hopefully we can build up and start scoring TDs. I also feel like our defense will get enough stops that we don’t need a TD every drive, we just need to stop turning it over in the Redzone.
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There's a whole lot of almost going on here except the kicks. Let's goooooooooo!
Great game so far. One point difference is all. UCF is playing a bit better, but is has had too many penalties and turnovers to win this game. That can all change in the second half of course.
I’ve been too stressed to be in here. UCF owes me a new heart
Well shit that was a good kick for a college kicker
That's no joke. 55 yards and it was hit perfectly.
He's on fire!!
Freaking BOOMER
I swear we dug up a burial ground before this game
Man I’m fucking tired of their punter. Our average starting field position from punts has gotta be the 8 yard line
Omg stop tipping the ball up!!
Boomer for Heisman.
The dramatic in me kinda wanted them to stop us at the 48 so we could see Boomer try the 65 yarder. I’m happy with this ending though.