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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/linang091 on 2023-09-11 23:23:05.
I dislike raw onions smell/taste but have tried pickled onions at restaurants and they don’t have that same smell/taste. That’s why I just tried to make a huge jar of pickled red onions (mixed with jalapeno and serrano) at home. I eyeballed the vinegar and water ratio but it was approximately 1:1, then added salt and sugar but kept the mixture sour/acidic. I tried to taste it the next day and the onion smell was too extreme for me.
I have read through some posts on pickled onions smelling bad but the main thing people recommended was to make another batch with more vinegar or only vinegar in the brine. I made a batch of 4 huge jars to eat for months so I really don’t want to throw them away. Would keeping the onions in the brine for longer (like another week or longer) eliminate the smell? Or should I drain the brine then re-pickle them with an only-vinegar-solution so the original brine with bad smell would be gone?
This is my first time making it and I have little to no cooking skill so any advice would be greatly appreciated! Please help me fix my pickled onions and jalapeno ;(