I have 2 community tanks. One has guppies and some random plants.
The other has tetras and some random plants
One has a rabbit snail infestation but I like they way they look som I’m keeping them all
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I have 2 community tanks. One has guppies and some random plants.
The other has tetras and some random plants
One has a rabbit snail infestation but I like they way they look som I’m keeping them all
Main tank is a mixed black water biotope - mostly SA, angels, sterbai Cories, otos, zebra plecos, rummynose and cardinals. I needed a home for a school of Congo tetras so they’re over there now too. I have an overgrown livebearer tank that’s mostly wild-type swords plus some otos and albino corydoras. Mixed community tank rounds out the permanent ones; Cories and otos again, a pissed off zebra plec that can’t be trusted with its own kind, giant danios, serpae and lemon tetras, and a mix of “survivors” who are the last few of their kind in my tanks. I keep a tidepool tank in the summer with native North Atlantic critters.
All my tanks except one contain what most think of as the plague, bladder & ramshorn snails.
I’ve been trying to introduce guppies in my tank, but all my attempts failed. What is the secret? I have a 20G and just 3 glofish tetras, a little bit of duckweed, and that’s all.
we recently got a small 10 gal aquarium, and have most tetras, and a few platy's. we're really new to this and don't really know what we're doing, haha!
Hey, a 10g with tetras is how I started.
I have nine tanks. Two are community tanks, three are Betta tanks, three are shrimp tanks, one is a snail tank. All are heavily planted.
Just some platy's and their fry. Got a 20G tank for my daughter and it's been fun. Got some guppy weed in there and keeping that in check is its own job. 😂
Fish? Just a betta
All creatures in the tank? There are also two assassin snails (there were bladder snails too originally, but well...)
I've got a 32g with Platies, MTS and a couple of assassin snails and a 16g with Endlers and MTS at the minute.
No, the MTS were not deliberate.
It's okay, my ramshorn snails were not deliberate either.
I have multiple tank syndrom so I won't go all out and just list of my most stable, somehow, tanks.
20 gallon long.
4 or 5 Upside-down catfish (Synodontis nigriventris, so freaking cool. Theit swim upside down)
5 to 6 Kuhli loaches, a few black and th other normal.
3 or 4 Yo-yo loaches.
A whole herd of K Class Black Bar Endless.
A swarm of Amano Shrimp.
The most resilient Ramshorn snail colony I ever met.
Possibly 1 assassin snail. (Started with 4 before any loaches were in there. Thought they all died and found one randomly, can't find it again.
If anyone is going to say it's over crowded I know. Very much so. There's lots of hiding spots, a few plants, and the water is stable. Somehow one of the most consistently stable tanks I have. All of my tanks are now doing great since I've been in the hobby a while now and have more experience. This tank was a "temporary tank while they adjust to the water and I'll move them all to different tanks. Never had a death in there I know of since the assassin snails but to be fair I never found more than one empty assassin snail shell.
I have a 29 gallon with a mustard gas Betta, 15 Cardinal Tetras, 10 gold lazer Corydoras, 2 Amano shrimp, ±20 blue velvet shrimp and a lot of Anubias and Ludwigia. It's my first tank and it's only a few months old so I still struggle with keeping the algae at bay but it's getting better.
I have a 75 g with corydoras, panda loaches, an old Bolivian ram, tetras, mostly rummy nose, shrimps. Also accidental ramshorn, in a very nice orange color that looks great on the plants
Excited to see so many other nano community tanks. I've got a 75G with neons, pristella tetras, cories, kilis, shrimp and snails. Upgraded from a 29G, now considering doing something more exotic with that tank.
No fish, just comming to say i subscribed to this sub!
Happy to have you!
I've got a 20 long with endlers, a glofish betta rescue, kuhlis, and tons of mts and ramshorn. The ramshorn are wanted but the mts are not. I also have a 10 gallon with a nerite that has found the secret to immortality and two dwarf frogs. Both planted with mostly vallisneria because that stuff multiplies like crazy.
A glofish betta? I've only seen glofish tetras, I didn't realize there was anything beyond that.
I've thought of keeping frogs but haven't taken the plunge. How do you like them?
Yeah they're actually discontinued because they sold terribly. This guy was one of three left at a major chain store near me that sat for months in his cup. He's got some bad finrot and got the point where he was limp on the bottom of the cup so the manager gave him to me for free. He is bright highlighter pink with cellophane fins.
The frogs were cool to start, but I made the mistake of putting them in with my male Betta that I'd raised from a fry. They were good for months until they weren't. Lost my favorite frog Queso and my boy Dragonfly to the resulting wounds. It's my fault, but my heart still hurts a little looking at them. So I wouldn't recommend them in a community tank as I've seen them go for the endlers and kuhlis too. Do species only.
If you do go for them I'd give these tips:
That is all fantastic info. Thank you! We currently just have one big community tank, so we'll definitely be holding off for now.