They are panicking. They know the tools we have at hand are slowly but surely making their power and control null and void.
this post was submitted on 20 Sep 2023
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@Saki I run whatever I want on my computers. Politicians can go pound sand.
Frankly I never really feel threatened by “e2e ban”. If necessary I can locally implement this from scratch on my own, even if they outlaw “e2e providers” (the notion of “e2e provider” is an oxymoron to begin with) — ultimately they can’t ban number theory, right? Even if some primes are “illegal” lol, one is free to add P to Q. A law like “you shall not add points of a curve over a finite field” is simply impossible. Besides, it’s practically impossible to ban something like decss much less GnuPG.
But I’m worried about age verification, which is essentially KYC and actually enforceable (as already is, in some Asian countries).