Honestly, it's deserved. Much worse shows have had multiple seasons. The premise is so stupid that a lot of people aren't going to be able to get over it, but if you do, I think there is a decently written story underneath it all. Lots of the world left to explore, so I am looking forward to it.
Anime is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan.
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Yes, I wish people would get off their high horse about it. It's easily one of the best non-human isekai novels and the anime adaptation was decent enough to not warrant all those "how high were they hur durr" and "peak anime oink oink" comments.
What I am surprised though is that a second season would most likely bring us past what is written in the source material.
I can't wait! Just finished the first season and it's one of the best isekai shows I've seen in. And I watch a disconcerting amount of them.
I really enjoyed this series far more than I expected I would. Happy to hear it's getting s2
This was popular enough to get a second season?
How high are the writers? This sounds like something to watch when you're baked.
The premise is silly but the series is more fun than it looks like.
In a "so bad its good" sense or actually enjoyable sense?
It's actually enjoyable!
The characters are likeable, including Boxxo (the vending machine MC); he doesn't "speak" per se, but you got access to his thoughts and he does communicate with other characters through a simple ad hoc code (using his stock phrases, like "You might win an extra item!" to warn about enemies, or "hello!" / "too bad" for yes/no). He has lots of abilities but the fact that he cannot move by himself prevents him from being overpowered, plus he needs cooperation from the other chars but with his limited communication this is often hard.
So it's no AOTY but it's that sort of stuff that you don't mind watching just for fun factor.
Cool lol the Idea used there was so stupid that it was good again.