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The original was posted on /r/hayastan by /u/DALLAVID on 2023-09-21 04:54:57.
What happened was a catastrophe in its entirety. This literally renders the deaths of the soldiers who gave their lives for Artsakh in the 90s useless.
I can blame Pashinyan but the truth is that he was elected by the people. Even if you think that he faked the election, he still has significant support, and this is something that can only happen in a failed society.
I can somewhat understand the Armenian people falling for his propaganda in 2020 but the fact that Nikol Pashinyan is breathing air implies that the people are retarded. If not for Pashinyan, another retarded politician would've taken advantage and fucked everything up.
This type of society in my opinion can only recover from a dictatorship rule which has everything in the country on lock to dispel any degeneracy or garbage in the country.
My prediction: Some retard will take power and Armenia will shrink further in size/population, possibly fully. Only a literal miracle would prevent this and an actual revolution.
Also: Armenians should stop complaining about other countries not helping out (militarily/through sanctions). Its such a soy take, why would foreign countries risk their troops lives with no tangible benefit for them.