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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Genuine_friend012 on 2023-09-22 16:45:29.
I feel out of place. I know I am not asexual. I do have sexual urges. I do find men attractive enough to fantasize. But never have I had sex with them. I know some of my friends who likes casual hookups and that is ok. But I feel like there is something broken in me because I want sex but the thought about having sex just scares me. I have no sexual trauma or abuse. It's like I like the concept of swimming but when it is time for me to go inside the water I freak out. It's just the way I am. When people hear about it they go like "Really? A virgin." Like it is a bad thing. Going on dates hasn't been that good. As soon as guys know I am a virgin, they either get turned off or hyper fixated on my virginity. One guy once said "Thank god, there aren't many women like you." I don't know why but it was a bit offensive because he was more interested in the fact that I was a virgin rather than who I was. Am I broken? I don't seem to find anyone attractive enough to have sex with. It's also a religious thing but I am not very religious (I read porn and erotica).