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The original was posted on /r/askculinary by /u/ronearc on 2023-09-23 20:42:39.
Original Title: Specific Ingredient Help: I'm using the meat from store-bought confit duck legs to make Duck & Sausage Gumbo. I've never used confit duck legs. Can I (or should I) pick the meat while it's cold but then crisp the skin as a garnish?
I've searched, and while I've found some recipes, most of them are telling me how to confit duck legs, not what to do with them. And a few mentioned the skin, but they referred to roasting, broiling, or pan frying the entire duck leg to get the skin crispy.
I presume I could remove the skin and crisp it separately, but while I've done that with raw chicken thighs, I've never done it with anything that's been cooked confit.
Also, kind of the second part of the question. They're in the refrigerator now, but can I pick the meat and remove the skin while they're cold, or should I warm them in some fashion before doing that?
Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.