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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Yeeyeetyall on 2023-09-24 16:02:59.
To start this off: Me and my dad have a bad relationship. He's emotionally, mentally and physically abusive to me as well as a diagnosed narcissist.
My boyfriend and I are currently doing long distance and I fly over every 3-4 months to see him.
My dad has a history of always making me feel less, and making me seem less in front of others.
3 days ago I came back from seeing my boyfriend and I'd shared with my mom we'd been sexually intimate for the first time, which is a big deal to me because of trauma I will not be sharing.
My dad somehow found out and has taken it upon himself to now shame me any chance he gets.
The jokes go from buying me a pregnancy test out of the blue, asking me if he should be expecting a noise complaint from the hotel we were at, to saying we should record next time to show off at the family Christmas party.....
It's gotten to the point where I don't even feel safe showering because any time I'm ab to he makes some kind of remark towards "it being the only place I could get myself off".
It's only been 3 days after I got a break of the abuse for a month and it's already picking uo again, along with this.... I'm really at my last straw