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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/SauronOMordor on 2023-09-24 18:01:59.
I am a cishet woman but I often feel very in tune with my more masculine energy and I would like to express that part of me more in the way I dress.
The problem is I have an extremely large chest (42H) so it's hard to find tops that neither make me look chubby and blocky or accentuate my breasts. I also can't wear button up tops. I dunno if it's really possible for me to dress androgynously for this reason.
I don't dress super feminine either, but I try to wear clothes that hang nicely off the body I have.
All of the androgynous influencers I see in social media are fairly lean with neither large chests or hips/butts. I almost wonder if the exact same style and outfits would still look androgynous if they had large breasts?
Sorry if this is a bit rambly. I'm not really sure what I'm asking for here but are there any women or AFAB NBs here who have a similar body type as mine that have found a way to express their masculinity in clothing while still looking good?