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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/missfeline99 on 2023-09-25 02:17:28.
Something I've always noticed is that, as a general rule, women are open to watching/reading things centered around men, while men have zero interest in watching/reading things centered around women and might even seem offended at the suggestion. Not only that, but most coming of age stories also focus on males, at least the popular ones, and plenty of women love this content - Stand By Me, The Sandlot, American Graffiti. The "main" female coming of age story, Now and Then, never came even close in popularity.
I've never seen women as opposed to checking something out based on gender norms alone. Sure, The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones had a primarily male fanbase, but that alone didn't drive women away. From what I've noticed, men usually won't read a book focused on female characters - but no woman is passing a book by because it has a male main character.
Have y'all also noticed this? What do you think is the cause?