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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/cinnamonbunnss on 2023-09-25 19:23:26.
I see more and more posts on Reddit of men complaining that women on dating apps only swipe right on the tallest, most attractive, most rich men, and that they wouldn’t give 95% of other men the time of day. That women have it so much easier than men on these apps. That women’s standards are too high, that they think most men are unattractive, and it’s unfair that only the “top 1%” of men are getting “picked” or “chosen” on apps.
So what is the end goal of that argument? All I see is that it implies that we as women should not have a choice. That we should be required to give men we don’t find attractive “a chance” in order to level the playing field. Otherwise, what is their solution to this? I feel like nobody is asking that question. It’s chilling to see how entitled these men are to women’s time, bodies, lives, etc.
As a woman who’s used these apps, it definitely was not easy finding a decent, kind man that I was attracted to. But I did, and have been in a relationship with him for years. He’s not tall, or rich, or extremely handsome. But he’s perfect for me. So I’m not sure where men are getting this idea.
Edit to add: someone commented & immediately deleted something along the lines of “calling out harmful or problematic behavior isn’t saying that different choices should be forced.” HOW is it harmful for a woman to not swipe right on a man she doesn’t find attractive? You understand mutual attraction is usually absolutely necessary for a romantic/sexual relationship to work? Is this real life?