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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Ridan_ on 2023-09-26 15:14:06.
Quick debrief: we’re both 24, been together 3 years, lived together 2 weeks, everything else is genuinely fine- I don’t have the issues of having a man child that does no housework, we get on great etc
But the boy goes through stuff so fast
Even mouthwash, I bought a bottle last week and it’s already half empty. It usually takes me like 2 months to get through a bottle?
We take turns doing shared food shops but his portions are basically double mine. As in, I’ll put my portion in a bowl and he’ll eat the rest from the pan.
We’re both gym rats so all our food is home cooked with lots of veg/salads but I’m already noticing I’m spending a lot more on food than I usually do. When we cook together and I portion something out he’ll be like nah I’m hungry put more in and then we’ve gone through a big shop in about 2 days that he ate 70% of. And I get it, he weight trains and has 20kg on me but still.
I recently got a pay rise which means we’re on about the same (he makes a few k more from bonuses. Gotta love consulting). But I get paid a month in arrears which means atm I’m still on a lot less than him until my paycheque at the end of October.
What’s a good way to have this conversation and a reasonable solution? I don’t want to be a couple that nickel and dime eachother but at this rate it feels like I’m expensing his diet.