My best friend and I just had a (virtual) pizza party and watched The Wailing. Awesome Korean horror/thriller.
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I've heard good things about Nefarious. Might give that a try.
This looked interesting up until I saw that Glenn Beck was in it and that it may be a thinly veiled religious movie.
Feels like an Event Horizon or Evil Dead (2013) kinda day so far.
Very nice! It's been too long since I last watched Event Horizon.
Event Horizon was a blast after taking a year-long hiatus from watching it. The atmosphere is palpable!
Got my wife (who mostly watches horror-comedy) to watch Event Horizon 2 months back for the first time.
That ain't gonna happen again lol
Yeah, once the out-of-control stuff starts happening with mutilated kids, a lot of people might find their boundaries crossed. Good movie though, shame that there aren't many like it.
The Deep by Nick Cutter kinda evoked he same feelings, but in book form. Then there are the myriad underwater horror movies like Leviathan and Deep Star Six, but they aren't the same.
I will never get over the Event Horizon lost footage.
The Nun (rewatch). Scared the hell out of me when I first saw it. Valak is a fantastically creepy demon. The way they handled it in The Conjuring 2 (I think it was) with the painting was great. Creepy as hell.
Last Night in Soho and/or Pearl.
Don't really know much about them but they were recommended to me multiple times now.
If you are watching Pearl, then I would recommend to also watch X beforehand
Already watched X, are they related?
Pearl is the origin story of Pearl in the movie X
Cool, looking forward to it.
Hope you will enjoy it
Pearl is the old lady in X.
I'm working my way through the Georges Méliès: First Wizard of Cinema (1896-1913) box set. They're not all (or even mostly) horror, but there are some good ones.
I'm rewatching Southbound. It's been a few years and don't remember much of it, just remember enjoying it way more than I expected.
Beau is afraid. Awesome movie, absolutely loved it