Congrats on finding a new place to live! I acknowledge the little and big wins by giving myself a small treat - whether it’s yummy food or a buying something I’ve been eyeing - but it’s usually food. :)
Mental Health
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Thank you! Yes, for me it's also often food cause I love to eat but not to cook :P
Well done finding a new place to live! That's excellent!
I've always had a weight problem and used to reward myself with food. I then switched over to spending (or putting away) a small amount of money (like $5-10) on something I wanted that isn't food. I now mostly try to budget out time for something I've been wanting to do that's creative, like composing or producing music.
Thank you! These are great ways to reward yourself! And yes, time gets more and more precious.
Usually I write down a list of wants whenever I come around something I like. So when it's time to celebrate I have a "menu" to choose from.
That's a great idea! It's like a wishlist.