Freelancer. Exploring through the jump holes and all the beautiful systems in-game was very satisfying. Nothing else has really hit the spot.
Patient Gamers
A gaming community free from the hype and oversaturation of current releases, catering to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.
Baldur's Gate 1. It was my childhood game, i played it when i was 12 years old and it was amazing and very hard. I haven't progressed beyond the first chapter with the kobold's mine and Boo's quest but i enjoyed replaying it every summer, at the beggining.
And i finished it once for all when i was a student. The game was amazing. Time pause, speech, character creation...
And the second is the mmo Dofus, very cool turn based strategy game. :)
Never finished bg1 or 2 but enjoyed them both in my youth so I figured I'd hammer through them - beamdog had them on sale for $5 recently. This way I can justify buying bg3 lol.
Finish them you won't regret it :) i never played bg2 but it was an amazing adventure. Bg3 is different and more deepth with relationship, it does look like DO2. :)
The Longest Journey. Wonderful story, great voice acting, beautiful environment.
Crash bandicoot
Grew up playing crash. Helped me connect with my siblings and it is still a comfort game for me despite being hard on players.
I had the wrong perception that fps games were dull and wasn't good for single player experience until I played bioshock.
Last of Us Had a big impact on me and made me realise writing is an important part in any medium.
Saints Row 2 and 3 I loved saints row because of how much it had to offer with clothes, vehicles and gameplay elements like melee, weapon and ability to taunt. I loved 3rd and liked the tone shift but was slightly disappointed by how much it lacked quality of life features like it's predecessor.
Persona 4 Golden!!!
Close Combat: A Bridge to Far. It's a real time strategy game with a larger regional map where you control simple supply lines and troop movement between battlefields. My two brothers and I would sit and watch each other play for hours because we just had the one computer back in the late 90's/early 2000's. We made a stupid rule that you had to be present to get your turn so we would often wait nearby for several hours for our chance at glory/survival.
The Spyro Trilogy. All 3 games are brilliant and technological standouts for the era and has held up very well over the years.
But if we are going weird. Harry Potter 1 + 2 for GBC or PlayStation. They aren't good games, they are watered down clones of Pokemon and 3d Zelda respectively. But the theming and genera is such a perfect fit that I love them to this day. Plus the Jeremy Soule soundtrack is fantastic.
Yes, flying into rotating station was hard!
This is another oldie which I warmly remember: For some reason I remember it as D-Track not as DeathTrack.
death track was gnarly, but I managed to beat it with (iirc) every car one summer between sessions of mw1 and cotab.
Games that I want my kids to play as soon as they are old enough:
Secret of Mana Ocarina of Time Diablo 2 Minecraft
Tank 1990.
I think it's a bootleg version of a Japanese game and came on a 200 games-in-one NES cartridge. I have good memories with my father before our relationship went to shit.
Cybernator on SNES - I never even beat the second boss but the game always looked so cool. I should see if I can beat the second boss now...
The original Starcraft.
First game I ever bought with my own money. It's a bargain bin edition I still own to this day, with a bug that prevents one level to be loaded and crashes the game.
Had to discover the cheat codes in a time where the internet was still dial up and not affordable for the average commoner.
Managed to finish the game nonetheless. Made such a great impression in me that cimented my passion for space science fiction.
Still not going to buy Starfield any time soon.
Check out Mass Recall, if you haven't already. StarCraft 2 is free, so you can have even more than the full original 6 campaigns with StarCraft 2 mechanics, graphics, and units. Imagine having actual pathing.... kinda... mostly.
Ocarina Time and Kingdom Hearts 2 were really big games that affected me
Some Sega Genesis games when i was a kid, Streets of Rage, Sailormoon, and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 which i have never finished IDK maybe its the game that's a bit too hard or maybe I'm just too dumb.
Fast Forward to 2009, i played a game called The Mana World. It's my first and only experience with online game. I made some good friends on and from the game, i think the overall community is very nice and helpful. I got hooked leveling up and reached to level 93 in few months. Unfortunately i have to cut the game because i need to focus on my study. Still its my greatest memories with gaming!
The Night of the Rabbit by Daedalic was the only video game that made me cry. I never felt like that because of a game ever since.
Sonic the Hedgehog and Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Super Metroid
Fallout 1 and 2
Time Crisis
Soul Blade
Tomb Raider
Mech Warrior on PC. The first one. Recruit wingmen, salvage mechs, negotiate with those cheap kurita bastards, regain your family's honor.
16 colors of line-rendered mecha in glorious 386 powered 3d.