subreddit == community :D
Mlem for Lemmy
Official community for Mlem, a free and open-source iOS Lemmy client.
- Keep it civil.
- This is a forum for discussion about Mlem. We welcome a degree of general chatter, but anything not related to Mlem may be removed at moderator discretion. This is not a forum for iPhone/Android debate. Posts and comments saying nothing but "iOS bad/I use Android" will be removed as off-topic.
- We welcome constructive criticism, but ask that it be both precise and polite.
- When will insert feature here be implemented?
- Check our issue board--if there isn't an issue open for the feature you want, feel free to open an issue or make post! Just remember that devs are people too--we're doing this for free in our spare time, and building a quality app takes a lot of patient work.
- Is Mlem available for Android?
- No. Mlem is written using SwiftUI, which is not currently supported on Android. If such support becomes available, we will look into bringing Mlem to our Android friends.
- How do I join the beta?
- We are currently testing our new 2.0 codebase on TestFlight. We have two beta groups: a weekly group that receives the current state of our development branch every week, and a stable group that receives a curated pre-release build at the end of each development cycle.
- Join the weekly beta
- Join the stable beta
- How do I join the dev team?
- Head over to our recruitment channel, or go straight to our GitHub and read to get started.
No thanks. Sublemmy or bust.
Also I’m missing the “give feedback or report” thingie in the app. I’ve beta tested others and that was very convenient. Or do you want a new post in this … ffs “subreddit” 🤦♀️
Long press on the icon. It's a standard feature that works for all apps in TestFlight.
Thx! Didn’t know that. Thanks again: just shared some mangelend UI feedback 😎
No problem. I don't know if it's mentioned on the standard pages that everyone just clicks through, but it took me a while to work it out when I first wanted to give a developer some feedback.
As part of the installation via TestFlight, the app is automatically reporting any crashes, exceptions and other weirdness to the developer. On hard crashes you have an option to add information if desired.
On my device it hard crashes a lot but I cannot give any more info. The app just “plops” like a soap bubble.
Owh sorry, I might have spammed you with useless information then because I thought if I didn't, you wouldn't receive the crash data.
Oh I am not a dev 😄 - just another happy user like yourself.
Oh, lol
Subreddit => Community
I’m still confused on how to pronounce the apps name.
I think most people think of it like a word so pronounce it like a single word phonetically. It's the cute little onomatopoeia people use for animals sticking their tongues out/licking.
I don't think people are pronouncing any of the letters as the name of the letter (em-le-em) like you would for INXS for example.
Mlem, exactly how you think its pronounced.
According to it's pronounced mlem 😀. They do go on to explain it as:
The sound a dog (or other animal, such as a cat) makes when its tongue darts out to lick its nose or chops is called a mlem, in onomatopoeic imitation of the action.
So given your avi, you just need to listen to your cat for a while!
😮 Wow! I was todays years old learning a sound I must have heard a million times has actually a name. Amazing world we live in!
Haha, I'd heard it called a "blep" before but mlem was new to me too.
No crashes as of yet on this end. 1 day of usage, though. I like the app a lot and I look forward to seeing it grow.
On my end it crashes constantly. Like a soap bubble. What device do you have? I’m still stuck on a SE2020 with low battery health 🙃 .. it’s been a challenge to say the least. I’m a power user without budget atm..