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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/xjazz20x on 2023-10-01 01:42:13.
I have a few friends who are in bad relationships. Abusive relationships, such as financial abuse, mental and emotional, and others where the significant other is just not present or helping. Ive found out that my friends do not understand the stock market, do not invest, or do the bare minimum (pick from a selection for their 401k).
Friends of mine feel that they cannot leave because it would jeopardize their kids college funding, they cannot afford to live on their own, whatever financial
excuse their SO have told them.
I’m an active investor, learning everything I’ve known from reading and doing. If I were to divorce my SO, I would be fine as I have a healthy understanding of all my money. But I realize that I probably am more of an outlier than the norm (my own mother did no finances in her marriage and did not understand where the money went).
I truly believe women are MUCH MUCH better investors than men. We can balance household budgets, grocery bills, etc. We keep track of things like our kids schedules, where things are placed, how much eggs have gone up. We can manage with very little money.
Please PLEASE learn how to understand your finances, as well as learn about the stock market and investing. This information is invaluable, esp if you need to leave a relationship.
On that note, I’m starting to give my friends “classes” to help them not be overwhelmed with the stock market, and help them learn about finances. Any suggestions on what helped you learn would be insightful. Im just going through basics with them right now.