interesting read. i live more northern ontario and idk if i'll ever be able to buy a house and that really sucks. my wife an i are hoping to save up enough to buy a small plot of land near nowhere and build a little house. i do construction so i can do most of the labour. crazy to see this guy made more money selling his home than he did working all those years. thats not a good thing.
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Here in southern Ontario (GTA) house prices are out of absolute control. I live in Scarborough, and townhouses across from my apartment were announced @ 700k for 2bdrm. One year later and no building yet and now they are 1.4m(3bdrm is over 1.6m)
jesus christ thats insane. do you plan on continuing living in southern ontario? i've lived all over there st.catherines, grimsby, stoney creek, hamilton, burlington. me and my wife came up here because we couldn't afford the rent down there and some of my extended relatives own a house up here they weren't living in and gave us a good price on rent.
Honestly, I don't really want to, but my doctors are here and that's really important to me.
I feel like this article is more about the dire job market of academia rather than immigration. Most PhDs do not have great job prospects even for those born in Canada and the reality is we train far too many due to the perverse incentives of graduation education (cheap labour for professors).
There are shockingly few stable jobs available in academia. People churn through years worth of short-term, underpaid contracts in the hope they can eventually land something better. But the reality is most don't.
How does this post have negative comments? (It says -3 for me)
I see -1 comment my end on jerboa. Weird
Edit: after my comment it is now at 0. Also I can see some comments were deleted, perhaps a thread was deleted and those comments are counted as negative??