Just hoping it'll be as good as Andor
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It looks good visually to me... I just hope we get a decent story. Obi wan and boba hurt me.
Obi Wan was such an atrocity. I can't believe how they handled it. Honestly looking back I wish they would have scaled back Darth Vader, I know that the fight was pretty great but looking at the grand scheme of thing it just doesn't make ANY SENSE.
So far, i still do not like Ahsoka's design, the Montrals are all wrong from what we've seen from all other Togrutas.
I also don't particularly like Dawson as a person, heard plenty of behind the scenes stuff of her being a not so great person.
I'm staying optimistic though, I've enjoyed all the shows so far, minus most of book of Boba Fett shudder
I'm excited about the antagonists because of a theory posted elsewhere, that they may be fallen Jedi, but not sith, noting that they have orange lightsabers with a colored interior and not a white interior.