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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/ImportatConflict7831 on 2023-10-03 19:03:28.
For context I'm around 16 and I go to a public school in California, if that matters. We had a substitute come in for math today.
My bf and I were talking with him and my bf mentioned that he wanted to pursue a career in mathematics. Our sub asked him if he wanted to go into academia, fields of research, and discussed all that with him. Afterwards, he also asked me what I wanted to do with my life, and I told him that I wanted to pursue a career and higher studies in math also. Even though I had given, pretty much word for word, the same response to the question that my boyfriend had, he (the sub) instead asked me if I was interested in teaching/becoming a hs math teacher. I told him that I wanted to do research as well and he asked me if I was 100% sure because its "difficult" to get into academia nowadays.
He also told me that I should "really consider teaching" while he was really excited to discuss fields of research and jobs in academia with my bf.
It kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Am I overthinking this?