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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/here4theride2021 on 2023-10-04 22:47:49.
The other day my brother came home while on the phone with our mother. She was on speaker and she was ranting to him on how he has to continue to improve himself. Since my brother saw me in the living room, he asked my mom "What about my sister?" (me). She replied, "I've lost all hope with your sister". It hurt. It really hurt. I had already suspected it for a long time but decided to continue trying to earn her approval.
I'm the eldest daughter. From a young age I cooked, cleaned, helped raise my brother, helped her at her job, listened to her rant on and on about her problems and about my dad, paid for groceries, and even took her out on expensive vacations. The list goes on. I waited to sob once the house was empty. I'm a college student in my last semester and I'm a good student. Just the other day my mom was telling me that she wanted to throw a party for my graduation. I was excited. All my hard work was paying off. College as a first gen is very hard for a number of reasons and I had to face it all alone. But after hearing what she really thinks about me, I don't want a party anymore. I don't want anything. She never approved of what I went to college for since it's not a STEM major or anything reputable. She always tried to convince me to change my major from broadcast media to veterinarian since I've always loved animals. A lot of friends and cousins who are around the same age as me have started to get married and have kids or have finished their studies. Maybe she's disappointed because I never changed career paths or never even brought a boy home? I feel stupid for kissing ass for the longest time. I'm very tired.
I don't have anything against my brother, we actually get along fine, but I wonder what else has she said to him behind my back. I don't have many friends and the ones I do have have their own lives and problems and I don't want to burden them with mine. Sorry, I went on a long rant, but thank you for reading if you made it this far. I just wanted to tell someone.