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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/MadmanRogers on 2023-10-05 02:31:10.
I'm talking about these things
In the advertisement, women wear them with their pants fully up, sticking the cup in their underwear, and it works perfectly. Not only do the advertisements say that, I only ever hear of people doing exactly that and it just works.
However, I hold it in the exact same position... well I never tried it with my pants fully up because I know it'd just be a mess. Even with my pants knees down, it won't work, I'll piss all over myself, the thing doesn't work and only allows spillage.
So, completely bottom nude, legs kinda spread out, not aiming for a target, just anywhere as long as there's no direct spillage... I managed to get it somewhat right, but there's still droplets of spillage, and that's if I really control the urine flow. If I'd let it flow the way I so sitting down, no way that'd work.
And that's not to mention that in order to hold the thing to my crotch, I need to stay slightly bent over all the time. I physically can't do it standing straight up.
So, yeah, just how the fuck are you supposed to use these things without described issues, let alone use it how the people in the advertisements and reviews use it.