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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/g00ber88 on 2023-10-05 19:15:57.
You might have seen a couple posts on /all about this job fair that is meant for women and nbs, but had a ton of men show up.
As if it's not depressing enough when men invade spaces meant for women, the reddit comments were far worse.
I cant count how many comments said "imagine if there was a job fair for only men in tech!!1!1" which is basically the same sentiment as "all lives matter"
The overwhelming consensus on reddit was to praise the men for crashing the event and to criticize the event for daring to exist in the first place. I even saw one comment that said "women in tech have it easy enough as it is" bro have you ever spoken to women in tech? Someone find that video of the girl recording her CS class full of men casually joking about rape.
It's funny because I'm white, but if I saw a job fair for black people in tech (as they are underrepresented in the industry), my only reaction would be "oh thats cool". I would never be like "thats discrimination! what about white people in tech??" I don't understand the need these men seem to have to make everything about them.
Had to vent. I love being an engineer but seeing such visceral negative reactions to any sort of DE&I in STEM always bums me out.