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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/bo-barkles on 2023-10-05 23:53:59.
That's how he responded when I told him that his friend crossed a line in my home last night trying to convince me to sleep with him and I didn't call him immediately as it was happening, and waited until he came home. I'm a lying cheating whore. Clearly something else is going on as I should have reacted differently than I did.. I'm not allowed to ask for his support in cooing because I'm not the only one that this happened to, it happened to HIM too and HE has feelings and clearly his retaliation and vindication take priority and how DARE I ask for as little as him to be in the house instead of in the garage raging. And I can't get out.. I'll never get away.. Hell never let me. I've tried. I'm phycho because I have the audacity to get upset when my needs are pushed aside and after two months of practically begging and pleading to be acknowledged and clearly verbalizing that I needed support bc my mental health wasn't in a good place... After him putting time and effort into helping other people with their problems while I'm sitting at home with our toddler barely hanging on begging for that time and attention... I got to the point last weekend that I truly was going leave this earth. I made an apology letter for my kids... And it became about him and how horrible I treat him etc etc.. It's always the same fucking thing and I'm scared. I'm trapped. There is literally nowhere for me to go... I'm sorry this is all over the place and horribly written, I just.. Had to let it out somewhere..