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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/Free_The_Elves on 2023-10-06 00:48:34.
There is a big thread about how men supposedly complain less than women, and sorry I just feel like I need to vent. I had to scroll and scroll and scroll to get to any response that was anything other than "it's because no one cares".
But I'm sorry, this (men complaining less than women) just isn't true in my experience? Like lets start with the incel movement, which is basically blaming the world, women, genes, whatever, anything besides yourself for your own problems.
And even personally, my closest guy friends honestly just don't really deal with their emotions all that healthily. Admittedly, they probably don't complain to most people. But they rely on me A LOT, perhaps because they aren't comfortable being vulnerable with as many people.
Then I look at my mother, who works full time, raised me and my siblings, gets home late from work and cooks dinner for my dad every single night. And all with a smile on her face.
These are just a few examples, and I'm not even trying to proove that men or women complain more. It's more of a personality thing rather than a gender thing. But it was just so depressing to scroll and scroll and scroll until a single person said something along these lines :/