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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/HauntingsRoll on 2023-10-06 08:30:47.
There was this viral post on the Reddit front page yesterday (as shown in the below image) about women-only cars in the subway in Malaysia.
The women only cars are of course for women to be safer in the subway... away from sexual harassment, groping, taking upskirt pics, etc by men.
And many comments were like "Countries like Japan, India, Taiwan, etc also have women-only cars in the subway trains. Every country should have them."
But then again, of course there were a lot of comments from men, like...
"This is SEGREGATION!! This is INEQAULITY and discrimination against men!! Only barbaric countries like Asian countries or Islam countries like Malaysia need them. Men in our Western countries are not all rapists! blah, blah, blah."
So, I was wondering what women around the world think.
Ladies, would you like women-only cars in the trains or subway trains in your country if you have to use trains/subway?
Yes? Or no?
I was gonna create a poll, but there's no poll option in this sub.
So, please, leave a comment. Yes? Or no? (And maybe the name of your country too, if you can.)