I prefer showing off my sick half flips in celebration
Rocket League
An unofficial community for fellow car ball players. Share tips, clips or discuss the game. Be chill and nice to each other. Also, since it's just started there is no moderate "team" so use your best sense of judgement and don't follow any suspicious links to avoid your account getting scammed. ENABLE TWO FACTOR AUTHENTICATION ON YOUR EPIC ACCOUNT!!
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I usually quit so fast so I don't need to watch post match celebration, they should make the dance a goal explosion one. I wonder how much a good fit the car actually is to the dom hitbox.
I wish there was a way to turn off all cosmetics. Detracts from the game, especially when people abuse them (nearly every match). I really hate all the licensed stuff.
Balked mod used to have anonymizer mode, which turns everyone to bot names and stock cars(base on their hitbox archetype), but it's too easily broken after update so they don't keep updating it after certain point.
But I agree, there should be a toggle for that and also child safe mode for player/team names.(just replace with random platonic bot names like anonymizer is fine.)
Epic will never give us such features that undermine their ability to exploit us.
More like really low on priority.
It would actively undermine their only income source. There is an obvious conflict of interests, it's not lack of time.
It might be for the cosmetics part, but not the name anonymizer. For the cosmetics I assume like >99% of player won't want to turn that off.(compare to player anthems, which most people turn it off so they don't get ear spammed.) So even if they implement that, very few people will be using it, thus low priority.