I want to say X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter, but if I'm being honest it was probably Dark Forces.
Science Fiction
This magazine is aimed at fans and creators of sci-fi and related media of all kinds. It includes all content related to the sci-fi genre and only content related to the sci-fi genre. The goal is to build a community for everyone who enjoys science fiction and related topics. This includes the obvious books, movies, and TV shows, but also original writing, the discussion of writing SF, futuristic art and designs, and the science and technologies that inspire the sci-fi genre. **Team Top 20**
Dark Forces was one of the first FPSes to have true 3D not 2.5D. I remember specifically one mission where you had to climb on top of an elevator, and that felt awesome. Plus the way your blaster beams would bounce around the room!
How can you have just one? How can you compare them?
Tie Fighter, XvT and X-Wing Alliance are some of the greatest space sims to ever grace a computer.
Dark Forces brought FPS to Star Wars! Jedi Outcast was a transcendent experience when it came out - the dismemberment! The lightsaber trails!
KOTOR is an absolutely classic Star Wars story in the same style as the OT, and KOTOR2 is a fantastic deconstruction of classic Star Wars, both with well written and memorable characters.
OG Battlefront and Battlefront 2 brought us some awesome squad shooter goodness!
Jedi Outcast and Survivor giving us some awesome modern Star Wars.
Rogue Squadron, Empire At War, Republic Commando, Episode 1 Racer, even the two MMOs Star Wars Galaxies and SWTOR, all solid games. There's no way I could pick just one.
Star Wars The Old Republic. Basically KOTOR with mmo elements. You could play it as a single player game if you wanted, with a lot of story content.
But doing flash points and PvP with my friends was fun too. Buying strongholds and flagships then decorating them was fun as well.
Jedi Knight series.
The lightsaber combat was so much fun.
Jedi Knight 2, the multiplayer lightsaber duels were one of the best gaming experiences I ever had.
Here we go... My first fediverse comment, and it's to say that to this day I think "Tie Fighter" is my all-time favorite video game.
Super Star Wars, Return of the Jedi on Game Boy. Not because it's a good game, far from it. It's because I'm old and have memories of trying to play this. With dying batteries and at an awkward angles so I could get light on the screen. I just accidentally found out it had this awesome Super Game Boy border too.
Super star wars was already hard on the SNES. I cant imagine how it would be on a GB.
I absolutely loved Empire at War
Original Knights of the Old Republic easily takes the first place for me. Fallen Order and Academy comes 2nd and 3rd.
Ahh what I wouldn't give for another Obsidian SW RPG.