Could it be that the recent influx of people made things laggy?
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Tukea tarvitsevat käyttäjät voivat myös tulla Matrix-tilaamme.
It is only happening on posts weirdly, not comments
I've tried to create a separate post about this here but I can't! The little wheel is spinning and nothing happens. I can neither create new post nor comment in the Fountain Pen community.
same here, cannot comment as well
Past 24h I've also only been getting infinite spinner trying to comment, let's see if this goes through at all.
Edit: Okay, this works, but a longer comment I'm trying to send to another community keeps failing no matter how many times I try. Maybe there's a maximum length not communicated to the user?
Solved the problem finally by getting Memmy for Lemmy. It’s brilliant, works out of the box!
It might also be federated instance related
Most of my posts have gone without issues but now I run into this once. Weird.
wow it worked now.