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The original was posted on /r/twoxchromosomes by /u/OneMinuteSewing on 2023-10-07 04:02:04.
So we are building a camper van, we tend to travel more than we build so it is an ongoing project.
Occasionally I take solo trips or more often I do part of the trip solo and then DH flies out and meets me.
I know these van locks can be picked easily so I wanted to put in some secondary security. I found some solutions that met what I wanted and posted them to a group of people that build out the same brand of van.
I know it isn't to everyone's taste and some people don't want to do it.
But why after I say " lock myself in when traveling solo. We had someone try our doors one night when we were camped in a casino parking lot under a bright light. It scared the crap out of me! So I think I'll sleep safer knowing I can stop the doors from being opened by lock picking" (NB, yes I've considered fire safety and made choices accordingly)
...would several men post things like
(I've paraphrased these so I don't have to quote their actual words)
why is everyone scared of people breaking into your van?
If you are that scared that you need chains, you just need to park somewhere safer
I almost never lock my van, especially out in the woods
I've often gone to sleep with the keys in the ignition and the doors unlocked
If someone broke in my van I'd just hang out with them and offer them food
They can just break a window and get in anyway
I'd just shoot them
Some of those comments were after I once again reminded them that for many solo women travelers they don't have the leisure of being casual about their safety.