Fuck YT premium
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Wonder how/if this effects indirect access to videos like NewPipe.
I've heard in another post on this topic that NewPipe scrapes the videos from YouTube, acting like a normal user, and presents you with the videos without ads. Supposedly, YouTube would find it very hard to block NewPipe's method as a result.
I use ReVanced, so I'm not so sure how safe I am. May have to move to NewPipe if we end up affected by this.
Where are we moving then? Peertube?
Well, Odysee isn't in the Fediverse...
You'd think Google, the ad company, would have thought ahead enough decades ago to ensure adblockers weren't necessary. Too late now though.
Amazing guide to recommend YT Premium when people came up with an adblock filter for this after a few days.
Man, it'd be sweet if this gave PeerTube a boost, like Twitter did for Mastodon and Reddit did for Lemmy.