Seems to work ok. Still not sure what Stux is hoping for the personality of this instance.
uFail Community
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What happens if I create a community here and Stux decides running an instance isn't worth it for whatever reason? I'm not trying to be a suspicious dick, just trying to learn about how this works
the only person who can answer that is @[email protected]
Fair.. I'm more wondering what if Stux gets by a bus or whatever and can't pay the hosting bills. Has that situation happened somewhere in lemmy yet? Seems inevitable. Interesting times ahead
For Mastodon that’s all settled(and other services) but Lemmy and Kbin are kinda still in early dev an are missing a lot of features. I think I’ll keep up the Lemmy instance at least for a while! But Kbin not so sure since it’s not a real addition I think
Oh yes! Feel free to create communities on here btw 👌🏻♥️