There is a Powerlaw underlying global temperature, in the interglacial-times:
280-ish parts-per-million CO2 as the baseline...
The 9th-root-of-2 times that, gives you what CO2 level produces 1C global warming.
280*(9th-root-of-2)^2 gives you what ppm CO2 produces 2C global warming.
280*(9th-root-of-2)^3 gives you what ppm CO2 produces 3C global warming.
All the way up to 9C.
All the simulaitons which contradict the measured polar heating, the mega-rivers IN Greenland's ice, etc, are red herrings, and relying on them is incompetent: the evidence has already falsified their predictions.
Here is the paper:
Notice that even not counting all the other greenhouse-gasses, like methane, sulfur-hexafuoride, etc, we already have guaranteed that the planet must stabilize at more than 5C,
.. not the 1.5C or 2C that the simulations-which-contradict-evidence predict.
This powerlaw is measured, historical fact.
Delusionally ignoring it .. isn't worthy of respect, OR able to create viability for our species.
I don't know that there will be any life left, in the tropics, within 1 century.
400+ cubic-km/year melting, now, iirc, and still accelerating, darkening the albedo of the planet...
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