I’m not surprised.
It’s going to become even more of a hostile environment once the ability to block other users is removed soon, or he makes it a paid only feature.
Science, Technology, and pawbs
I’m not surprised.
It’s going to become even more of a hostile environment once the ability to block other users is removed soon, or he makes it a paid only feature.
Well he is retweeting or tweeting transphobic hate memes himself, so yeah lol
I don't want to just respond with something like "in other news, the Pope is still Catholic", but with Elon Musk running the show over there there's really no good reason to expect otherwise.
So, yeah, Pope still Catholic.
Really? Worse than fucking 4chan? I don't buy it
It's possible that the word "major" as a qualifier means that the assessment is excluding 4chan and similar image board sites.
Honestly, to nobody's surprise. At least for the people who don't have a blind hate for GLAAD and/or queer people, this will be a nice thing to pull up as proof of how hostile Twitter has gotten.
Been blocking way more people in the last few months than ever before.