A breathless week at work, and next week might be worse, somebody kill me pls😭
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I'm already living in the copium life. I didn't buy iem for nothing *cri ~~and already buying DAC~~
Lucky myself pull myself out and just settled with my moondrop aria. What DAC you getting?
I'm getting truthear Shio. Saw a great second hand deal on carou and had to get my hands on it. Been thinking of getting a second hand one since it's cheaper.
For my next iem, I was planning to go for Tanchjim Hana or Kara(whichever I end up liking more), but now that truthear released the new nova, I'm going for that one if the ear fit is okay. The truthear zero was too large for my ears :(
Moondrop aria is good. I somehow like the simgot ew200 tuning more so I got that instead 🤣
I'm all for blasting music while working lol.
Your work will do that for free
Too slow, I need an instant death
This morning, I had a rather strong bowel movement due to having pucuk paku sambal last night. Was walking so fast to UOA Business Park to take a dump after getting down from KTM.
Hello what's up all|? Haze is clearing up at my place.
Haze is also no longer a problem here, but a few colleagues caught Covid recently. WFH at the moment.
I’ve gained a lot of weight due to meds… gonna start eating bland Sammich after I finish my last shopping.