Read the Rust-book.
Rust Programming
Let's Get Rusty channel has a playlist that goes over "The Book"
Bogdan does a good job explaining the content for beginners.
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but No Boilerplate
is an amazing channel that has videos on Rust
"Lets Get Rusty" has a 44-video playlist that goes over the Rust Language book in pretty good detail for a newbie. It got me started a few weeks ago.
Fasterthanlime has some good rust stuff but I don't think it's good for listening to while running. There's too much going on on the screen. Definitely check out his channel, though. He has some nice articles on his website too, which are like his videos but go more in depth.
YouTube tutorial videos are about the least effective way of learning Rust. If you actually want to learn it, it would make more sense to just read the Rust book and do the Rustlings course, which you can access from the Rust website. I can't help you with your workout plans.