As a desktop OS? I have to ask, why not Fedora?
Nice, btw.
Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or submit anything else that will make themers happy. Maybe a server running on an Amiga, or a Thinkpad signed by Bjarne Stroustrup? Show the world how pretty your computer can be!
As a desktop OS? I have to ask, why not Fedora?
Nice, btw.
I could say something about stability, but Fedora is more than stable for desktop use. I just prefer to have old and super tested versions of software, and I like not having to update unless I get security updates.
How does CentOS compare to Debian regarding "old and super tested versions of software"? Is it mainly a preference thing why you'd Rocky Linux over something like Debian which is also community led?
Mainly just preference. I have more experience with CentOS and RHEL servers, so I prefer Rocky.
Makes sense. Thank you for your comments
Interesting that neofetch reports the distro as RHEL. Under Rocky linux, does /etc/os-release report itself as RHEL instead of Rocky Linux? Does Alma Linux, CentOS, or CentOS Stream also do that?
I've been looking at the CentOS situation a little and I have to wonder...what were the reasons you chose Rocky Linux specifically instead of Alma Linux, CentOS Stream, or even RHEL itself up to 16 computers using the free developer program? Not that I think Rocky Linux is a bad choice, just thought it was an interesting choice for a laptop compared to something like Fedora even.
Good job with the desktop ricing
Lol, I edited the Neofetch. Originally it has the LFS logo with the Rocky Linux name. I just thought that the RedHat Neofetch would look cooler. I really use Rocky because it is what CentOS used to be, formed and funded by the community, super stable, and it has a very nice and helpful community.