Back at work for half an hour and already have a headache before getting through my inbox. Liquid dinner predicted.
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Adoption Certificate for Nellie, the Daily Thread numbat (with thanks to @Catfish)
Gosh, I was falling asleep at my desk at work today. I don't know what it was, I had coffee, I had my ADHD medication. Tried to walk around to wake me up. But an hour after I took my afternoon ADHD meds my body was like "okay it's wake up time!" ... ugh.
Though to add, I've gone to bed later than I did last night and I've been fine. So I have no idea why I was so bloody sleepy. But in good news, my planner arrives tomorrow or Wednesday so I'm pumped. I'm also looking at a bunch of Etsy stores that sell printable planner stickers because it's cheaper IMHO to buy printable stickers and then use Mum's cricket machine since the only thing I need to buy more of is the sticker paper.
Extra soggy out there today. Took Mr Woof for a walk (fully coated up, of course) and managed to time it pretty well between showers - it was a bit drizzly, but not too wet. Then I went back out by myself to grab some hard rubbish I saw on the way, and it decided it was a great time to bucket down. Not fun, but I now have a metal frame from some sort of shelving unit that will work perfectly as a cage for my tomato, saving me the time I was going to spend building one from bamboo.
Looks like we are back in winter today. Freezing and pelting rain.
Annoyed because I want to try actually watching the classic slashers for Halloween, if I’m not too much of a wuss that is. (I know bits because of cultural permutations and am curious but never actually watched them.)
But a lot of even the older movies and shows have been completely scrubbed from YouTube by DMCA. (It seems the full run of Buffy I watched over lockdown might be gone now.) There’s not much worth watching on Tubi, public TV is just a vehicle for ads even if I still had a telly, I don’t yarr and I am not getting a streaming service. Fuckem.
I genuinely miss video rentals. I used to get a bundle of 5 weekly videos for $10 and watch them while eating dinner.
Edit: Has anyone tried Plex? It says it’s free with ads and is legal. But does it make you sign up or download anything, and is it at all shady?
Kanopy is being discontinued due to the high cost to libraries. I never even did that… couldn’t be stuffed setting it up and my local libraries are difficult for me to get to in person
plex user here, it has some good free stuff, you can add your own stuff too. Not shady.
For some movies I buy cheap dvds from op shops, $1 or 2 each.
So over the last few months on RES I've tagged what I consider suspicious profiles as "voice cooker". Going back through the list, about 1/3 are now deleted, banned, suspended. About 1/3 have stopped posting after posting pretty much all day long about the voice. About 1/3 have moved onto different subreddits wildly unrelated to the topic.
I made a hole!

Well, technically the hole was already there and I just uncovered it. Now I have to work out what to do with a big hole in the floor of my wardrobe. It's the old return air duct from long dead ducted heating, and it was a pain to pull out - it started off well with just undoing some screws, but one side was nailed down, then had the strip for the carpet nailed on top as well.
I'm thinking probably a piece of MDF and a carpet mat on top, and maybe something like corflute or thin plastic taped over the hole in the back wall, given it is not very visible (and the wall is masonite, not plaster). For now it just has the ugly space-stealing chipboard box cover back over the top of it to make sure Mr Woof does not use it as an excape route, but it would be nice to have that bit of space useable.
Reading your comments so far this morning I'd expect to see dark skies and rain but it's sunny and blue here in Docklands. I've just opened the balcony door and bedroom window. Breeze is a bit fresh but I think I must have missed the winterpocalypse reported.
Test neg but I feel like I have razor blades in my throat...I don't remember having a sore throat like this ever...
Sore throats are awful. It's probably worth getting it checked out in case it is tonsilitis or an infection that can be treated by antibiotics.
I'd also get some anaesthetic lozenges which can help a bit - might be worth going to a proper pharmacy that has staff that can advise you on the best options.
When i had the covid sore throat i found that a mix of lozenges and anesthetic Difflam spray to be the best help
Have just texted lawn guy and suggested we put off moving the couches until Wednesday.
Aside from anything else, Sammi is ensconced in her fluffy bed on the other one.
I have been invited to a party where the theme is to dress up like a meme. Any suggestions? Something not too complicated?
Arthur making a fist meme! Just wear a yellow jumper and glasses and walk around with a clenched first
Doomer Guy would be a simple outfit
Rewatching Utopia (UK) and forgot and how terrifyingly horrid it is. Also the casting of Anna Madeley and Ruth Gemmel in their respective roles was such an excellent choice, they really do look eerily the same (someone should actually cast them as twins one day).
I loooooove me some UK Utopia. Have you watched the US abomination? If not.. don't. Just... don't.
I'm a huge UK TV nerd and my general rule of thumb is to never watch US remakes.
One of favourite shows Ghosts (made by the Horrible Histories gang) was redone by the US and they basically turned it into shitty sitcom.
Actually US ghosts has grown into its own. It's a very different beast from the UK one, true, but it has definitely found its own feet. And they pull shit they would never get away with on the UK one