Reminder: As the aggressor in an imperialist colonialist war, Russia can end the war at any time, just by returning all its troops to its own territory. The continuation of the war is purely the choice of the extreme right-wing Russian dictator and his cronies, who continue to violently exploit the Russian people.
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Exactly. If this were remotely true, it would have been cheaper to just buy the old weapon systems from Ukraine.
"And, as Putin said yesterday, one of the tasks was to demilitarise Ukraine. In fact, this task is largely completed. Ukraine is using less and less of its weapons. And more and more it uses the weapons systems that Western countries supply it with."
Ah, the subtle differences between demilitarization and upgrading to NATO standards.
If his statement had ever anything to do with reality. Probably just feel-good words directed at the domestic audience.
Mission failed successfully! We bombed a lot of "Nazis" and their local weapons capabilities! Pay no attention to the fact that we've radicalized an entire generation of brand-new nationalists, strengthened our enemies, and ensured free flow of cutting-edge weaponry into their country while feeding an entire generation of our young men into a meat grinder.
is Putin trying out a new comedy routine? Because I legit laughed when I read that quote.
i suppose he thinks ukraine relying on western nations for weaponry is better than ukraine being able to produce its own (im fairly sure that they still are producing their own so.)
@Spzi Ukraine has been demilitarized of soviet equipment FWIW. Imagine how long it would've taken Ukraine to do this had it not been an invasion on its land. Thanks, Putler!
Bonus: Putler has also demilitarized former Warsaw Pact members of Soviet weaponry even further. Can you believe the benefits of it? I'm in tears of joy rn.
Can the cowards downvoting the comment I'm responding to and others in this thread respond to this comment? I want to block you guys but you timidly refuse to stick your head out and post your disagreements out in the open.
dying on the ground riddled with bullets haha! You see, I have successfully disarmed my opponent, as they are now entirely out of ammo. Mission accomplished!
"We have purposely trained him wrong, as a joke"
"How do you like my nuts to your first style?"
I'm bleeding, making me the victor
This is pretty pathetic for positive spin. It reminds me of Zap Brannigan: "You see, Killbots have a preset kill limit. Knowing their weakness, I sent wave after wave of my own men at them, until they reached their limit and shutdown. Kif, show them the medal I won."
This was exactly my though !! That and at the beginning of the war, when russian soldiers didn't know they went to war, I saw Brannigan saying :
"Surprise is the key of victory !! Surprise !! drop the soldiers on the battlefield
Off you fuck then!
Russia just wants time to restock their ammo and do this again 5-10 years. They're are increasing artillery production, still building misses, and Shahed drone factory. They don't want peace they will keep attacking till they get pushed all the way back. The only purpose that drone factory serves is to continue attacking civilians even if a peace deal is formed.
Wait, its over?
No, the Kremlin is sometimes able to say things, that, uh, may conflict with reality.
Tbf, if they lie to their people about the "special military operation" being a success and fuck off out of Ukraine, that would already be a massive improvement over the status quo.
Seriously, Putin. You're a dictator with a massive propaganda network. Just declare victory and march home, before you continue to get your butts kicked
"Alternative facts"
Нет! Это правда! It says it right in the name!
(/s obviously)
Keeping their options open for an exit strategy. Must be for their domestic consumption
Can you turn me into a sun next?
Is people in Russia believe Kremlin? Because it's eqsy to see on the Internet that it's not the case
Russians, I heard, are apolitical. In the sense that politics is the government's job and it doesn't affect them.
Correct. Source: am from Russia
Did anyone else notice that this is the Kremlin saying this rather than Pootin? Is the Kremlin getting ready to tell poopypants-poopin to sit in the corner? This might be a shift in leadership.
Doubt for a leader like poopy pants theres only 1 way out.
Ya hear that Lloyd Austin? Time for another 20 billion