This is so tragic to me, I remember say to myself that he wasn't injury prone at all before 2018 since he always seemed to bounce back after being clattered all the time, dude was alway in the top 10 most fouled any given year :( His foot never was the same after the first injury
Football / Soccer / Calcio / Futebol / Fußball
This is so tragic to me, I remember say to myself that he wasn't injury prone at all before 2018 since he always seemed to bounce back after being clattered all the time, dude was alway in the top 10 most fouled any given year :( His foot never was the same after the first injury
This is so tragic to me, I remember say to myself that he wasn't injury prone at all before 2018 since he always seemed to bounce back after being clattered all the time, dude was alway in the top 10 most fouled any given year :( His foot never was the same after the first injury
I guess at some point his lifestyle and diet have had consequences on his longevity.
People overestimate the impact of diet and lifestyle and underestimate genetics & just plain luck when it comes to injuries. Some people just have extremely resilient bodies and some people people bodies just can’t take the stress.
As a software engineer, I’ve seen people who take frequent breaks, maintain good posture, do yoga etc struggle with RSI and others can sit on a chair for 12 hours with almost no breaks and be completely fine.
Insone think he’s injury prone, he just get hit a lot more then then other players. He’s hunted in the field.
The bugger reason is his lack of focus on fitness and partying style, there is no reason he would get more hit than most.
Messi gets hit as often or even more and never picked up the same injuries.
That always seemed to be a mystery to me that messi is always so healthy. I would love an expert to chime in as to what the difference is.
Extremely strong Core strength. Ronaldo has it and Messi has it.
In basketball. LeBron james and Steph curry have it too.
He's smaller so people don't hit as hard. People should have seen Ronaldo in EPL pre Madrid. He was getting hacked so hard.
He got older and he became more of a target.
Dude trashed his body and parties too hard.
Absolutely no pity
Normally I don't say stuff like this, but who wants pity from an American soccer fan bro
He was literally kicked 3 times in a row in that january 2019 injury mentioned in the picture, Ligue 1 is a butchers league.
Neymar strikes me as the type of person who will completely snap once his football career is over and he has to retire
Neymar mentally retired years ago
he's literally a massive gamer and loves CS:Go, playing poker etc. he has a well balanced love for football as he has tons of other interests outside of the game
October and February
Halloween and Carnavale
I think there's some sister birthday thing which was prevalent back in the day
11th of March, so February checks out
What is frustrating is, I, ME, I never knew when Neymar really got injured, because there was so much diving and all the bullshit. Really sad to see him out with an ACL, speedy recovery.
Rest the poor guy in October damn
Which makes me respect the general fitness of Ronaldo and Messi even more. Flamboyant dribblers do not have long selves life in this age.
ronaldo hasn't completed a dribble in a decade
(still very impressive fitness of course, no argument there)
Wow he’s like the Jacob Degrom of soccer
Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes.
Brazilian flair players washed up by 31.
This is football heritage
Except Thiago Silva, that dude is still a beast at his age
Sad reality. Every one of the latest brazilian offensive superstars, actually. Neymar, Kaka, Ronaldinho, Adriano, Ronaldo, Rivaldo... All of them for different reasons, but all of them fell of a cliff at 31 or earlier
Couldn't have happened to a nicer person
He's a like fascist or something right? Bolsanaro? Ah Bolsonaro.
Neymar himself isn't fascist. He just supported Bolsonaro because he got rid of his tax problems. The best word would be corrupt.
He hasn’t looked like he’s really been in proper shape in awhile. I could see this coming.
He's not in a proper shape since his Barca days.
Not quite Martial
Yet miserable pricks still mock him and think he fakes his injuries..
Football is a more dangerous sport than boxing, in a way
It shows you how much mental fortitude it takes to perform at the highest level. Messi, Ronaldo and now Salah have the skill and the mental attributes but it takes a whole different person to take care of your body to perform at that level.
Neymar is probably the most skilled out of them all but the work ethic is closer to Ronaldinho. He could've been a beast if he cared more about his legacy like Messi did.
NEYMAR WAS BORN WITH GLASS BONES & PAPER SKIN Every morning he breaks his legs & every afternoon he breaks his arms. At night, he lays in agony until his heart attacks put him to sleep.
Wen you are dancing samba on the pitch you bound to have lots of enemies but he is an incredible entertainer from the fans pov I want him to be protected
Probably cried like a child at each one too. Emotionally unstable idiot.
Well this is depressing
That's so sad. Oct and Fed are cursed
Just Brazilian things. It's rare for a top Brazilian forward to stay in a top league after 30. All for different reasons but Ronaldo , Rivaldo, Ronaldinho, Adriano, and now Neymar.
But Neymar especially was playing tons of games at like 15-16 years old.
This is what happens when you don't take care of the body as a professional.
Neymar gets fouled a lot, and after that foot injury, he became injury prone, he did become more fragile. Also, age is catching up with him, but there's more to it.
When a player is younger, they are naturally more resistant and recover faster. Neymar isn't a guy who skips practice, but he was never the guy to take it easy in his private life. That's fine, everyone does whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt anyone, and, again, Neymar doesn't slack off with the club. But when someone picks up an injury, said injury doesn't take breaks. If you twist your ankle, you treat it, but it's still hurt when you're at home, when you go out, etc. That's the thing with Neymar: slowing down to give his body time to get better when he isn't obligated to was never his thing. That left a toll in his body as injuries accumulated, and now every now and then he's missing games. And there's still more to it.
Let's talk about how Neymar gets fouled a lot. He wants that. He wants to have the ball as much as possible, and often prefers an individual challenge to passing the ball a teammate, even if the latter is the better option. Neymar actively seeks challenges. Being such a player, he should have always worked a bit differently when it comes to getting his body for blows, but he never did that work specifically.
And remember that the injuries on the list are just the ones that took him out of action for longer than 30 days. Neymar missed a lot of games with shorter bumps, bruises and pulled muscles over the past few years.
PS: Neymar definitely isn't fat, but look at those cheeks. I mean, I'm sure your aunt would die to pinch those if she ever met him, right? He's definitely losing track of how much mashed potatoes he should eat at the team lunch.